
Bantu Makan Anak Yatim-Piatu

Penyebaran virus Corona yang telah meluas ke berbagai belahan dunia membawa dampak pada perekonomian, termasuk pada panti kami Panti asuhan Al Jannah tiga minggu ini kekurangan stok makanan dan kebutuhan operasional panti. Padahal kami memiliki anak asuh yang wajib kita penuhi kebutuhan sehari-harinya. Mereka yang kami asuh adalah anak yatim piatu, fakir miskin, dhuafa dan anak-anak terlantar. Donasi yang…


Lembaga Amil Zakat, Infaq dan Sedekah

In court papers, lead law firm Jones Day and others that helped Detroit navigate its historic debt restructuring made a case—at the request of U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes—for why their hourly billing rates and final tab are reasonable. Officials at Jones Day, who pointed out they had already cut $17.7 million from their tab,…


Badan Wakaf Produktif

Bill advises developers, nonprofit corporations, and public entities on a variety of real estate transactions and infrastructure finance. He has more than 20 years of experience in real estate development, public/private partnerships, land use, and municipal law, and serves as an advisor to national developers seeking tax abatements, tax increment financing, or any other redevelopment…
